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This work shows that dark matter and dark energy are not isolated entities, but are direct consequences of fundamental properties of space itself. A new mathematical derivation is used to prove that dark matter and dark energy result from the permittivity and permeability of the vacuum. A remarkable result of this analysis is the discovery of the energy of space at 8.17 × 10¹⁴ joules per cubic meter.
A tremendous amount of energy, but unfortunately at an extremely low thermal level (2.7 K). While a technical use of this energy currently seems impossible, the relevance of this finding for the fundamental nature of physical interactions is discussed.
Finally, an alternative consideration of the electrostatic interaction between proton and electron is proposed, which postulates a pressure model instead of the classical attractive force. This leads to a fundamental re-evaluation of physical concepts and opens up new perspectives for understanding the structure of space and the potential use of the energy stored in it.



This work shows that dark matter and dark energy are not isolated entities, but are direct consequences of fundamental properties of space itself. A new mathematical derivation is used to prove that dark matter and dark energy result from the permittivity and permeability of the vacuum. A remarkable result of this analysis is the discovery of the energy of space at 8.17 × 10¹⁴ joules per cubic meter.
A tremendous amount of energy, but unfortunately at an extremely low thermal level (2.7 K). While a technical use of this energy currently seems impossible, the relevance of this finding for the fundamental nature of physical interactions is discussed.
Finally, an alternative consideration of the electrostatic interaction between proton and electron is proposed, which postulates a pressure model instead of the classical attractive force. This leads to a fundamental re-evaluation of physical concepts and opens up new perspectives for understanding the structure of space and the potential use of the energy stored in it.



The philosophy of science opens up an unexpected approach to physics and provides insights that go far beyond the established theories. While the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics provide ingenious theoretical models, these theories have so far lacked a deep understanding of the underlying natural processes. Since the theories of physics have existed for over a century, no fundamental progress towards a natural understanding has been visible. It is time to not only celebrate the mathematical models, but to discover the natural processes behind them. Philosophy of science allows us to look more precisely at theory and reality, to make a clear distinction between models and the real world, and to differentiate between abstract concepts and descriptive, natural processes. It allows us to see the relationship between theory and reality in a new light and thus opens up deeper access to nature. Through logic and clear common sense, the abstract formulas of physics can not only be understood as mathematical models, but the underlying physical processes can also be revealed. This philosophical perspective makes it possible to understand nature at a fundamental level and provides an explanation for the unification of the four fundamental forces of nature - gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak interactions - through a common foundation. The so-called 'dark area' of physics - dark matter and dark energy - also becomes accessible from a new, clearer perspective. The findings provide a logical confirmation of the Big Bang and a possible explanation for its 'ignition'. This work shows that all theoretically founded models are based on comprehensible, natural processes.

Wherever only theories explain physical phenomena, the natural process behind them has not yet been recognized!



A universal cosmic constant has been discovered that is valid throughout the cosmos and governs both classical and theoretical physics in the SI system of units. The Universal Cosmic
Constant (UCC) provides revolutionary insights that profoundly expand our understanding of the fundamental laws of physics and provide new insights into the natural principles of the universe.
With the help of this "Universal Cosmic Constant" (UCC), the unification of the fundamental forces becomes possible. 



This work shows that the fundamental forces are based on a single principle, which means that long-sought unification of the fundamental forces has been achieved.
This innovative scientific breakthrough was made possible by the discovery of the hidden natural processes behind the theory of relativity. At the center, is the real definition of the elementary charge, which leads to the natural values for the field constants. This allows the electrostatic force and gravitation to be combined and the strong interaction to be integrated into the model. These findings are confirmed by a detailed functional description of the fundamental forces, which are based on natural and descriptive principles.



Wherever physical phenomena are explained only by theories, the natural process behind them has not yet been recognized! This document provides evidence that, behind current mainstream theories, there exists a deeper level of understanding in which natural and vivid processes form the basis of all known physical phenomena. A logical chain of evidence is presented that points to a natural background to the theories. Two systematically independent derivations lead to a fundamental basis for the natural understanding of all physical processes, which are well known through theoretical formulas. The derivations are based on the fact that behind the field constants permeability, permittivity and impedance, defined abstractly with Ampere, natural values with the units meter, kilogram and second can be recognized. The result shows that vacuum has an invisible but significant pressure and density. This implies the existence of a space content that has the properties of an ideal gas and was previously discussed as “ether”. The speed of light can be verified as a resonance from the pressure and density of this medium. This realization means that dark matter and dark energy can be recognized as homogeneously distributed pressure and density values in space. This finding marks a paradigm shift in physics. It provides vivid explanations for all fundamental physical processes and phenomena that have so far been described in abstract terms using formulas. For example, gravitation can be recognized as a normal force resulting from mutual shielding, while electromagnetic forces can be explained by a real mass flow. These findings form the basis for the long-awaited unification of the fundamental forces on the basis of a functional explanation based on a common cause.



The question is whether the existing theories of physics already provide the best understanding of nature or whether there are still undiscovered foundations to be found. This paper provides evidence that an unknown, deeper level exists in nature. Based on existing knowledge and creative thinking, these previously undiscovered foundations of physics are derived.

Twenty-three indications are presented that point to a medium with extraordinary properties as a natural and plausible solution for fundamental physical phenomena. Subsequently, the properties of this suspected and hitherto undiscovered medium are mathematically derived from hitherto unknown properties of electricity.

Based on a definition of the elementary charge with the basic unit’s meter, kilogram and second, natural properties of the field constants result. This surprising finding shows that permittivity is the hidden inverse of pressure, and that permeability manifests itself as density.

By combining the gravitational constant and the new permittivity, an understanding of the acceleration properties of space was gained. This insight could be confirmed by a precise interpretation of Newtonian mechanics, as well as an in-depth analysis of the classical gravitational formula.

Subsequently, the solutions and illustrative ways of looking at the above twenty-three indications are provided. Although the explanations do not formally conform to conventional academic standards, the core message is revolutionary. The results do not pose a threat to existing theories but lay a fundamental foundation for understanding mainstream theories.

The locations of dark energy and dark matter become clear, suggesting that the use of dark energy could help solve the world's energy shortage problem in the future.

Particularly noteworthy is the long-awaited unification of the fundamental forces, which is achieved in this work not by a conventional mathematical formula but by a common basis.

This discovery represents a quantum leap and brings with it a paradigm shift that will have a major impact on worldview, understanding of the universe, and physics.

Read on only if you are willing to question centuries-old theories and are interested in new, natural truths.


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