My Political Conviction
At the core of my political vision lies the long-term well-being of the individual, the family, the local community, society as a whole, and the state. Sustainability is a fundamental principle to ensure that future generations can live in a prosperous and habitable society on Earth.
Right-wing ideology is essential for individual development and freedom, while left-wing ideology is indispensable for social justice and collective well-being. Both are therefore fundamentally necessary and legitimate. However, they have both evolved into extremes that threaten social balance and the long-term survival of our community. Instead of engaging in ideological battles between radical positions, each side should address the extreme excesses within its own ranks and abandon mutual conflict to proactively focus on the common good. Only through collaboration can the stability and sustainability of the state be ensured.
A stable, strong, and free community can only exist if the majority of the population can lead a dignified and fulfilling life. Any government, whether a dictatorship or a democracy, becomes unstable when the discontent of the majority reaches a critical threshold.
All political actors in Switzerland are therefore called upon to realign themselves with the fundamental principles of the Swiss Federal Constitution:
"... in the will to live together in freedom and peace, in a spirit of solidarity and openness to the world, conscious of shared achievements and their responsibility towards future generations, knowing that only those who use their freedom are truly free, and that the strength of the community is measured by the well-being of the weakest..."
"... The Swiss Confederation protects the freedom and rights of the people and safeguards the independence and security of the country. It promotes common prosperity, sustainable development, internal cohesion, and the cultural diversity of the country. It endeavors to ensure as much equality of opportunity as possible among citizens. It is committed to the long-term preservation of the natural foundations of life and to a peaceful and just international order."
These ancient principles of the Federal Constitution have lost none of their validity, but they have been severely neglected over the years due to selfish political interests. If applied rigorously, they would guarantee the well-being of our society. The true strength of a state does not lie in its size, its power, or the wealth of individuals or organizations but in the unity of its people. It is up to political leaders to preserve this unity and prevent the divide between extreme positions from becoming irreconcilable.